5 min read

Can Time Clocks Support Employee Culture?

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How analyzing time clock data leads to employee well being

Employee culture has significant impact on an organization's success...it’s either a highway or an obstacle. A positive supportive employee culture is vital to maintaining the authenticity of the company's brand. It's also integral to the company's ability to attract and retain high quality employees. 

We live in a world now where employer reviews are now as ubiquitous as restaurant reviews. Companies need to build a strong employee culture that makes them an attractive employer. 

Your company's time clocks can help with that. They can help you create a more human, empowering experience at the workplace for employees.  It's an opportunity to create happier employees without having to increase labor costs. 


Employee Self-Service  

A time clock that supports employee self-service and is integrated with your HCM system, contributes to employee well-being. Employees often get frustrated when they have to follow up with managers on common HR issues. A self-service time clock can help them complete these tasks faster and easier. Nobody wants to spend their break time waiting for HR. They want to go on break. 

Clocks that support self-service functionality can easily take care of common HR requests as they clock-in or out for break. They can check upcoming schedules and request time off.  

If your company isn't using your time clocks as a self-service kiosk, find out why. It breeds a culture of employee empowerment and respect. Integrated time clocks can make everyone's life easier, creating a more efficient team operation. And in many cases, it gives them back their break time to actually use as a break. You know they'll love that! 


Analyze Time Clock Data to Improve Well-Being 

Analyzing time clock data can reveal a lot about the state of your company's culture. Look at your retention and separation data to see how it aligns with the employees' attendance data. How long are people staying? Are there attendance patterns you can identify that indicate a waning level of engagement before separation? 


Attendance and Absenteeism 

Identifying attendance patterns can help managers and HR avoid losing a quality employee through early intervention. The time clock data can be used to start a supportive, open discussion. Since the time clock data doesn't judge or have an opinion, it can be used as a neutral starting point.  

Does the higher absenteeism, tardiness, or leaving early reflect some frustration? Perhaps they need to see a clearer path to growth at the company. Perhaps they feel unappreciated or recognized for their hard work. 


Leave Policy  

A review of time clock data can also tell you how meaningful your company's leave policy is. Are employees regularly taking their vacation time? Does that vary across departments? Perhaps there's a manager that needs help with scheduling or appreciating how critical taking time off is to creating happy, productive employees. 

Time clock data analysis followed up with supportive meetings contribute to an atmosphere of trust and respect. Trust that the company looks at data to improve the employee experience, not scold them. Respect by the company showing active interest in employees as people, rather than replaceable commodities. This is the atmosphere that breeds a strong, engaged employee culture. 

Taking advantage of this culture-enhancing functionality requires smooth, reliable integration between your HCM and the time clock solution. ATS TimeCom was purpose built to integrate with both Workday Time Tracking and Oracle HCM Cloud Time and Labor.  

Learn more how TimeCom and its integrations can contribute to a strong employee culture at your company. 

What tools does your company currently use to encourage employee well-being? How are the employees responding? 

Biometric Usage: Growing concerns over the privacy and security of biometrics are driving government regulations surrounding the definition of personal data and how to protect it. These regulations vary from country to country, state-to-state, and in some cases city by city. Most often the governing regulations are dictated based on the location where the information is being collected. It is important to understand the local regulations in the geographic areas in which you operate. If you are uncertain regarding your regulatory obligations, we encourage you to consult with your legal counsel.