4 min read

AccuCloud: Automated Time Clock Management

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Deliver Greater Value to Your WFM Solution Customers

Since 1991, ATS has been designing and manufacturing time clocks that integrate easily with the wide variety of time & attendance, payroll, and workforce management solutions on the market. 

One of the most consistent pieces of feedback we get from Independent Software Vendors is their frustration that they can't see exactly how deployed time clocks are behaving in the field. 

Is every terminal online and collecting time data? Are all the terminals sending out data at the expected interval? How can we be proactive about correcting issues if we only hear about them when we get a call from a customer?

To solve this problem, ATS has incorporated a time clock management portal in AccuCloud - our new cloud-based time collection solution. This portal provides you with exactly the visibility, transparency and control you want: visibility and control that lets you pre-empt hiccups from becoming emergencies and help your customers maximize their ROI on your software solution. 

How the AccuCloud Portal operates 

Along with AccuCloud middleware and ATS time clocks, the AccuCloud solution enables value-added resellers (VARs) to see exactly what's going on with each and every ATS time clock deployed at their customers' sites. 

For example, if any time clock loses its network connection, the AccuCloud Monitor makes it clear which time clock is disconnected, so it’s easy to see that it’s offline. Then, you can get that time clock up and running again with minimal disruption.  

AccuCloud users can see utilization of each time clock to optimize locations. They can also see employee-level data, which can help resolve questions about what punches a worker has made on a specific day. The reporting mechanism in AccuCloud Monitor lets users use prebuilt or customized reports to extract this information as shareable reports. 

The Power of Time Clock Monitoring  

AccuCloud also contains reporting and analysis tools that help you identify if a time clock is the source of data collection issues and how it is utilized across a customer's network. 

These monitoring and analysis tools enable your tech support teams to proactively assist your customers in manners related to your system and beyond. If certain time clocks are over-utilized within a customer's deployment, that customer is experiencing slow shift changes and decreased productivity.  

With the AccuCloud time clock portal, you're in the position to help them manage this issue through more efficient terminal deployment. That's the sort of value-add service that can differentiate you from your competitor.

Real-time Visibility Means Real-Time Support 

Our wide selection of time clocks has always enabled our customers to collect a generous array of accurate information. We've taken things one step further by giving our partners direct visibility into the health and status of how their customers' data is flowing from ATS time clocks into their solutions. With this oversight comes the ability to enhance the level of service provided to their customers. 

Delivering pro-active (forget about being merely responsive!), high value support builds strong customer relationships, lowers churn and boosts lifetime value.

Biometric Usage: Growing concerns over the privacy and security of biometrics are driving government regulations surrounding the definition of personal data and how to protect it. These regulations vary from country to country, state-to-state, and in some cases city by city. Most often the governing regulations are dictated based on the location where the information is being collected. It is important to understand the local regulations in the geographic areas in which you operate. If you are uncertain regarding your regulatory obligations, we encourage you to consult with your legal counsel.