3 min read

The Top Priorities for Employee Training and Development

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As times have changed, so have the priorities for training and development. Nurturing the skills to benefit your company should be a top priority. It’s no secret that a well-trained, engaged staff of employees will drive a company’s success. Here are some ways to improve the training and development of your employees.


No matter what sort of business you have, there should be a constant effort to increase the output of your company. The training and development of employee skills is key to the increase and improvement of your productivity.

  • Processes – Could any of your processes be updated to a current standard? Complacency against efficiency can harm a business and keep it from moving into the new age.
  • Methods – Is there some way that your methods can be improved? Are there any holes or pitfalls?
  • Technology – New technology appears almost daily. Is there a new technology in your industry that you should be adding to the training and development of your employees that will help your company to increase productivity and maintain a competitive edge?


Innovation can be what separates a successful company from one that is struggling. The marketplace is constantly changing with new methods and fresh ideas for your industry. Look these over and see if there are any types of exciting changes you can make to your processes and technology. Consider any modern ways that you find and review whether your company can successfully adapt them for their own use.

Innovation can come from anywhere and be as large as a complete redesign of your methods or as small as a new point of view in your industry. No matter what it is or where it comes from, try to see if it’s a good fit for your company. If it is, incorporate it into your training and development practices.

Interpersonal Skills

A company can foster a stronger staff by promoting interpersonal communication skills. Many people in the workforce may not have these skills going into a job, which is why it’s critical to add this skill set to your training and development practices. It ensures better communication not only between management and the staff, but also between departments and other facets of the company. The training and development of interpersonal skills among staff members gives them the reassurance that their communication is heard by management and their co-workers. This creates a sense of unity and understanding which increases productivity.

Focus on the Individual

Modern companies must shift their old views away from seeing the staff as a single collective. Rather than seeing a whole unit, view each employee as an individual who has his or her own individual training and development needs. While this can be difficult and puts a strain on human resources, it helps employees feel appreciated and defines their role in the company, thereby making them more loyal and proactive. Proactivity creates productivity. A company that focuses more on the individual will reap the benefit of a staff that feels their worth.

Modernizing your training and development practices ensures that your company stays current and secures its position in the market. Constant change requires companies to keep up!

While ATS is passionate about time and attendance and excited to support organizations navigate workforce dynamics around timekeeping and employee time clocks, we recommend you reach out to your regional and/or local HR chapter for more information on common workplace advice and procedures.

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